Unspeakable Horror 2: Abomination of Desire Awards | Reviews | Blurbs


“At twenty stories, you can sink your teeth into this book and either gnash your way through like a starving man at a banquet or savor each one. And there’s much to savor here.”
Out In Print: Queer Book Reviews

“If Unspeakable Horror: From the Shadows of the Closet helped to establish speculative fiction as a mature and important genre for queer fiction when it was published about a decade ago, then Unspeakable Horror 2: Abominations of Desire takes it to new heights and creates an expectation of excellence. Tightly written and edited, free of tropes and mundane writing, these stories propel the queer horror genre to scare us while making a statement about our world, and accomplish it with the best of writing possible.”
Lambda Literary Review

Unspeakable Horror 2 clears two difficult hurdles: collecting a large number of stories that are of equally high quality; and serving as a worthy sequel to a strong original. Here’s hoping we get a third entry—and that it doesn’t take another decade to arrive.”
Cemetery Dance

“Exploring the intersection where desire and horror meet, Unspeakable Horror 2 covers a broad range of terrors centered around erotic longing and romantic love. Each turn of the page reveals a new tease or horrific tableau, and when we’re lucky, both.”
Rue Morgue

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